SEE WHAT I MEAN... ???!!!??!!!!
Opal miners are working really hard, digging all this mud & soil just to get LUCKY... and the rality is not as what you've described!!
Well, truly it's not like what you'd expect at all.
Not many are finding enough 'quality opal' and not many are actually enjoying their lifestyle in a remote area.... It's extremely hot and dry in Summer time, and you just need to keep digging lots of soil everyday (and believe me, it's a hard work!!).
There is no "Theme Parks", no "Fancy Restaurants" or anything like that so, you will have to wake up early, do the digging all day and go to the BUP for liquids and light snack, and just go to bed early or get into the cutting if you've found few opals on the day....
Life is so simple at Lightning Ridge, but can be hard if you're seriously looking to get LUCKY !!!!! So, wanna try ???!!
xxx Malayvone
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