Our new opal collection from Queensland, Australia.
Definitely a solid (guaranteed !!) top range,
amazingly pretty and sexy, has great proportion,
just the right size for
any jewelry ...
Incredibly bright all over the face,
showing "rainbow color" with vivid "top red"
and has large, mixed patterns will add more
value for sure.
Who wouldn't want to have or to see
a precious gem like this ?!?
Believe it or not, this quality can only
be found in Australia ... in a limited place
like Queensland, Quilpie.
Perhaps you can read / study a little bit about
this amazing gemstone from our website.
Now, it's time to think ...
My mission is to express the beauty of
Australian black opal & boulder opal to the opal
admire around the world.
Introducing this gem as natural loose stone
(usually polished, ready to set in the jewelry) ...
Or use my creativity and make a nice,
original opal jewelry for men & women !!
Which item should I make this time,
with this yummy looking opal ?
A gorgeous ring ?
A brooch ??
A pendant ???
Or ... just leave it for a while and
let my client's to decide ?
I can not wait to put my hands on, it's too pretty !!
If you have great suggestions, let me know and
we'll think together, haha.
xxxx Malayvone